According to the 2021 study of ‘Farmer Mental Health in Canadian’ done by the University of Guelph; 1 in 4 Canadian Farmers felt that their life was not worth living, wished they were dead, or thought of taking their own life in the last 12 months.

The Do More Agriculture Foundation champions mental health and well-being for Canadian agriculture producers. Executive Director Megz Reynolds says “The needle has moved regarding mental health in agriculture it still has a long way to go before we are no longer loosing community member’s to death by suicide. It is on each and everyone of us to work together to end the stigma surrounding mental health and change the culture, this starts with self education and by joining the conversation.”

AHEM is pleased to partner The Do More Agriculture Foundation in delivering  a 1-hour live virtual webinar focused on mental health in agriculture.

When: November 15th, repeated on January 17 and March 21

Time: 9 AM PST/10 AM MST/11 AM CST/1 PM AST/1:30 PM NST

The workshop, delivered by Megz Reynolds, is designed to introduce participants to mental health in agriculture, highlight how to support ourselves and others, the importance of refilling our own cups and how to have conversations about mental health. This will be a “hands on” workshop with group exercises to engage participants and practice having conversations.

Visit today to register for the date that works best for you. There is no cost to attend!

The Health Product Compliance Directorate (HPCD) of the Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch (ROEB) within Health Canada carries out proactive risk management projects (PRMP) to verify and promote compliance, as well as gather information regarding industry’s compliance against specific regulatory requirements. These projects complement Health Canada’s routine inspection programs and reactive market surveillance activities.

As a compliance promotion initiative, we would like to invite all health care professionals to attend a WebEx webinar entitled: Raising Awareness – Avoiding Unauthorized Health Products Online (Information Session for Health Care Professionals). This is a save the date and invitation to register for webinars occurring in November 2022. Feel free to share this invitation with members of your college/association and other health care professionals, as applicable.

What will be discussed?

This webinar is intended to increase awareness of the prevalence of unauthorized and/or adulterated health products in the online market place. This webinar will also provide resources to health care professionals in order to guide patients to legitimate sources of compliant health products. Below is a list of the various topics that will be covered in the webinar:

  1. Regulatory requirements for importation of health products
  2. Risks of buying health products online
  3. Commercial importation and importing health products as a healthcare practitioner
  4. Information on Health Canada’s online tools and programs (reporting of adverse drug reaction and complaints, public advisory on recalls and safety alerts)


When will these take place?

We will host five (5) sessions via WebEx:

  • November 8, 2022 at 2-3pm EST (English session)
  • November 9, 2022 at 11am-12pm EST (French session)
  • November 15, 2022 at 11am-12pm EST (English session)
  • November 24, 2022 at 2-3pm EST (English session)
  • November 29, 2022 at 1-2pm EST (French session)


How to register and access the webinar?

Use the following link to register for the session of your choice by November 4, 2022. To complete the registration, your name and e-mail address will be required.

Shortly after your registration is confirmed, WebEx will send the link to the session to the email address provided. You will be re-directed to download WebEx Meetings when you click on the link.

To avoid any technical issues, ensure WebEx Meetings is downloaded prior to the start of the session. Please join the webinar 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time using the online link provided to allow for the use of the chat function during the session. For all technical issues, please contact the WebEx Help Line at 1-866-662-0663.

Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide to Health Canada will be collected by the Strategic Operations Unit and the Border Program within ROEB under the authority of the Department of Health Act s.4(2) and is handled in accordance with the Privacy Act.

We require your contact information (name and e-mail) to register you to the WebEx webinar and to share relevant materials including a handout and a satisfaction survey following the webinar. If you choose not to provide the contact information, you will not be able to enrol into the webinar.

You have the right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you feel that your personal information has been handled improperly. For more information about these rights, or about how we handle your personal information, please refer to the personal information bank (PIB) of Outreach Activities PSU 938 or contact the Strategic Operations Unit at

It will now be easier for you to be part of the MVMA’s 3rd Annual Rural Forum Day!
The event has been moved to the evening of Thursday, November 10, and will take place virtually, online via WebEx, from 7 – 9 pm.
Moving to a virtual platform will allow more participation, input and feedback from the community on the important issues facing those in rural veterinary practice in Manitoba today.

The agenda will include:
1) Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association Update:
– Brief updates/information from MVMA Council.

2) Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer Update with Dr. Deanne Wilkinson to include:
–  New seating criteria for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine students.
–  Summer work partnerships for MB vet students interested in food animal and rural practice.

3) New Student Summer Program:
– CVO requesting feedback from MVMA members.

4) Pregnancy Checking:
– New proposed Micro–credential for RVTs.
– Discussion and feedback.

5) After-Hours Care:
Discussion and feedback.

6) Open Feedback Forum & Wrap

Click here to register. Registration closes on November 9.

The Atlantic Veterinary College (University of Prince Edward Island) and the Ontario Vet College (University of Guelph) are conducting a study to enhance support for positive mental health in early-career veterinarians. The researchers are specifically interested in the transition period between graduation from veterinary school and the first few years of working as a veterinary practitioner. They will conduct one-on-one interviews with veterinarians within 15 years of graduation to inform the development of a well-being training tool that can be used by veterinarians to better navigate the first few years in practice. View the following link for the eligibility questionnaire: 

A professional communicator, Grant brings a track record of impactful service throughout a 15+ year career in corporate communications and marketing, including almost 10 years’ service at the University of Manitoba. His creative skills include a history of career sharing compelling news of success and achievement while establishing a track record of envisioning and delivering strategies to communicate in ways that would resonate with – and spur positive response from – key stakeholders and target groups.  Versatile he brings to MVMA a wide skill set that includes strategic planning, desktop and web design and event management, among other skills and abilities. Grant is thrilled with the opportunity to serve and collaborate with the MVMA team and the veterinary community in Manitoba. All are welcome to contact Grant anytime with thoughts, ideas or suggestions, or just to say hello at He will be delighted to hear from you!

It’s the season for Season Fur Everyone!

This is your chance to:

  • Show how much veterinarians and veterinary technologists care about animal health and wellness, as well as pet owners.
  • Promote the veterinary profession and the good done for society.
  • Help spread holiday cheer.
  • Assist a local charity of your choice.

To participate, clinics must be available to accept donations from the public for the local charity of your choice. Participating clinics can support a family, shelter,
rescue or a local food bank with the donations.

Click here to have your clinic showcased on the MVMA Season Fur Everyone website page (launching the last week of November).

Please submit by November 18, 2022 to ensure that your clinic is listed when the website it launched.

The MVMA is pleased to announce that the Government of Manitoba has committed to funding an additional 5 Manitoba seats per year at the WCVM starting with the 2023-2024 school year. For more information, please click here (Government Announcement).

This announcement follows the MVMA’s brief labour survey and lobbying of the Manitoba Government.

We trust that we will receive more detailed information in the coming weeks and will keep membership informed.

In addition, we hope to see you at the 3rd Annual Rural Forum Day, being held on November 5th, 2022 from noon-4:00 pm in Portage La Prarire. To register, click here.

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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

©2019 MVMA. All rights reserved.