The Canadian Association of Bovine Veterinarians (CABV) in conjunction with Boehringer Ingelheim are pleased to announce the “Metacam 20 Bovine Welfare Award”. This award will recognize the achievements in advancing the welfare of animals via leadership, public service, education, research/product development, and/or advocacy by a DVM or animal scientist working in Canada, a faculty member or graduate student of a Canadian university.

The deadline for submission of nominations is May 31, 2023.

For more information click here. To view the nomination form click here

The Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) is seeking two or more new veterinarian representatives to be part of the MVMA Peer Review Committee (PRC). The role of a veterinarian representative is to review/investigate complaints against MVMA members and reach decisions regarding these complaints within the framework of The Veterinary Medical Act  and the General By-laws of the MVMA as part of a Peer Review Complaints Committee (PRCC). All PRCC members must approach each complaint as impartially as possible. For more information, or if you are interested in joining the Peer Review Committee, please contact the MVMA Deputy Registrar, Barb Kryzanowski via email at

Renewals for Veterinarians, RVTs, and Veterinary Corporations will launch in the coming weeks. The MVMA has transitioned to a new data management system and as such members will notice changes in the renewal process. Please stay tuned for more information.

2023/2024 Fees

RVT Fees

The MVMA Council resolved to increase the 2023/2024 veterinary technologist membership fees by 13.1%. This increase includes inflation from February 2021-2022 and February 2022-2023. Unlike veterinarians, the February 2021-February 2022 inflation fees had not been applied to RVT membership fees. This was due to the previous difference in annual membership renewal dates.

All fees (except RVT fees)

The MVMA Council resolved to increase all fees (except RVT fees) by the Manitoba February 2022-February 2023 inflation rate of 6.4%. This allows the MVMA to operate sustainably while being sensitive to the economic issues caused by high inflation.

Legal Fund Fees and Marketing Fund Fees

On April 5, 2023, the MVMA Council resolved to no longer charge separate Legal Fund and Marketing Fund fees. These fees are now included in normal membership fees. To ensure that the MVMA maintains a sufficient Legal Fund, it has adopted the Legal Fund Policy, available for review here  (please note that you need to be logged into the member side of the MVMA website to view). The MVMA Council will continue to budget for marketing in its annual budget.

Veterinary Corporations

Please note that the Veterinary Corporation Renewals will now be completed through the MVMA data management system. Voting shareholders of a Veterinary Corporation and previously identified contact persons will receive emails in the coming weeks, allowing them to log in and renew the Veterinary Corporation Permit. Please stay tuned for more information.

As the MVMA Council continues to address the shortage of veterinary professionals in Manitoba, it wishes to advise membership that it has sent a letter to government requesting subsidization for the eight (8) Manitoba un-funded veterinary students at the WCVM. The MVMA Council thanks the MVMA Rural Issues Committee (formerly the Vet Shortage and Rural Forum Committee) for its work on this matter. The MVMA Council is currently seeking support from industry groups in Manitoba and looks forward to working collaboratively with government on this issue.

The Winnipeg Goldeyes are looking for two veterinarians who be “on call” at Bark in the Park on Saturday, August 23, 2025 at 6:00 pm.  Each participating veterinarian will receive 4 tickets to the game, complimentary parking and $40 in Goldeyes gift certificates. For more information about Bark in the Park please click here.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Michelle Kusano at, and she will get you in contact with the Goldeyes.

A packed house was on hand February 11 as the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association welcomed members, friends and guests to the 2023 Membership Engagement and Awards Evening. The event was held to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the advancement of veterinary medicine in the Province of Manitoba.

Honorees for the evening included Dr. Kris Torske, the 2022 Veterinarian of the Year and 2022 Veterinary Technologist of the Year, Ms. Meaghan Wall.

Dr. Erin Ciwko received the Mentorship award with Certificates of Merit going to Drs. Pat Dorval and  Cathy Patterson.

The Association also awarded lifetime memberships to Dr. Timothy Gurnell, Dr. K. Paul Schneider, Dr. Robert Newfield and Dr. Gordon Goodridge.

The evening also included the presentation of an Honorary Membership to Mr. Jost am Rhyn, former executive director of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. While Mr. am Rhyn was unable to attend in person, he did send his thanks and appreciation via a video which can be viewed by clicking here.

All recipients were warmly received by the full house that attended the event held at the Ballroom of the Gates on Roblin in Headingley, MB.

“It was delightful to see so many members of the entire veterinary community come together for a day to celebrate the profession in Manitoba,” said MVMA past president Dr. Keri Hudson Reykdal, who served as the emcee of the awards program. “As was evident by the proceedings that there is much to celebrate and be proud of in our profession.”

The day – long affair included a Continuing Education session in addition to a Town Hall event that included an appearance by Dr. Chris Bell, president of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association who is also a born and raised Manitoban.

“Once again, I would like to congratulate all recipients on receiving their respective awards,” Dr. Hudson Reykdal added. “As well, sincere thanks to everyone who turned out for the event! The support from the membership and the entire veterinary community was wonderful to see!”

The 2023 Membership Engagement and Awards Evening was proudly presented by Boehringer Ingelheim.

The next Membership Engagement event is slated for the summer of 2023. Stay tuned for details.

On behalf of the International Council for Veterinary Assessment’s (ICVA) Board of Directors, and Dr. Heather Case, ICVA CEO, MVMA would like to share information regarding the 2023 ICVA Assessment Development Committee (ADC) nominations. Current openings are for expertise in the Exotic Companion Animal, Small Ruminant, Poultry and Bovine – Dairy specialties. Below you will find 3 documents: an informational letter, a nomination form and the qualification list.

2023 ADC Nomination Letter

2023 ADC Qualifications

2023 ADC Nomination Form

A message from Manitoba Agriculture:

As we enter the summer season which may bring wildfires, storms and extreme heat, the following is a reminder of the general order of responsibilities when assistance is required:

Step 1

Producers/operators/community representatives/individuals are the first point of responsibility to deal with their own emergency situation.

 Step 2

If individuals cannot provide appropriate response to their emergency situation, their local municipality is the first point of contact for emergency-related information and assistance.

 Step 3

If the local municipality cannot handle the situation, the municipality will contact Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) for assistance. All municipalities should have EMO’s contact information. If EMO requires Agriculture’s assistance, they will assign an issue to the department’s Emergency Planning Leader, who then works with the department’s Executive Management Committee to direct activities to address the emergency.

If animals are in distress, please contact the Animal Care Line at 204-945-8000 (in Winnipeg);  1-888-945-8001 (toll free) or

Emergency preparedness and response resources


Financial assistance resources



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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

©2019 MVMA. All rights reserved.