In light of evolving circumstances within our veterinary community, we will be transitioning from the Spay Day reduced-rate program to a new public education campaign focused on the importance of spaying and neutering pets.

Why the Change?

Many clinics across the province are facing increased costs and operational challenges, such as staff shortages. These pressures often mean surgeries, including spays and neuters, are scheduled far in advance. We understand it is no longer feasible to ask clinics to offer reduced rates for these services given these constraints.

New Focus: Public Education

Rather than focusing on reduced fees, we believe it is vital to educate the public about the significance of spay and neuter procedures. Our goal is to increase awareness of the long-term benefits, such as controlling pet populations, improving overall pet health, and preventing certain diseases. The public education campaign will feature social media outreach, informational materials for clinics, and opportunities for community engagement.

Spay and Neuter Incentive Programs

If your clinic currently offers spay and neuter incentive programs or reduced-rate initiatives, we would love to highlight them on our website. Please sign up to have your clinic’s programs included, helping clients find services that fit their needs.


How You Can Get Involved

As a member of MVMA, your participation is crucial. You can contribute by:

  • Displaying campaign materials in your clinic.
  • Sharing the importance of spay and neuter with your clients.
  • Submitting any spay and neuter incentive programs your clinic offers for inclusion on our website.
  • Offering feedback or suggestions on how we can improve this campaign.

Next Steps 

In the coming weeks, we will provide more details about the campaign and the materials available to you. We’re excited about this new direction and are confident it will have a meaningful impact across our communities.


Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the welfare of animals in Manitoba. If you have any questions or would like to participate further, please don’t hesitate to contact

The MVMA is looking for interested candidates to conduct regulatory investigations involving complaints against veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists.

MVMA Investigator Expectations

  • Review complaint files
  • Conduct paper investigations of a complaint. May also be required to conduct telephone or in person interviews with the complainant, member who the complaint is against, and any other persons with relevant information to the complaint. Other investigation as warranted.
  • At the conclusion of the investigation, provide a report to the Complaint Committee. A template for the report will be provided by the MVMA.
  • An investigator will be expected to review a minimum of 6 files per year.
  • Compensation is provided for time conducting an investigation.
  • Obtain appropriate training to be provided by the MVMA


If interested in the MVMA Investigator position, please contact Barb Kryzanowski, MVMA Deputy Registrar for more information.

New guidance and precautions for producers participating in U.S. agricultural exhibitions are available at: Advisory: Guidance and precautions for participation in United States agricultural exhibitions to mitigate the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Canadian cattle

Updates are available in the Accredited Veterinarians Manual on requirements for return to Canada, section 5.3 – Cattle and bison for temporary stay.

Updates have been made to Guidance for private veterinarians for HPAI in cattle to include bulk tank milk samples for HPAI testing in dairy cattle.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Doug Bazinet to the MVMA Council as of September 2024. Dr. Bazinet will be filling the vacancy left by Dr. Morgan Wawryk under section 6(10), and his term will continue through 2026.

Dr. Bazinet brings a wealth of experience to the Council, having graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 1982. From 1982 to 2015, he practiced large, mixed animal veterinary medicine in various communities across Manitoba, including St. Claude, Melita, and Steinbach. His career has always had a strong focus on dairy cattle medicine, nutrition, and management.

From 2015 to 2023, Dr. Bazinet worked in the feed industry, specializing in dairy nutrition and management consulting. Most recently, from March 2024 to August 2024, he served as an Extension Veterinarian with Manitoba Agriculture. He is currently practicing as a large animal consultant in Steinbach.

Dr. Bazinet has been married to his wife, Grace, for 44 years, and together they have two children and three grandchildren. They also share their home with a very special companion—a diabetic, blind, toothless pug.

We look forward to the knowledge and expertise that Dr. Bazinet will bring to the MVMA Council and are excited to welcome him to the team!

The Chief Veterinary Office (CVO), Winnipeg Humane Society (WHS), and Vets Without Borders (VWB) are hosting a second annual World Rabies Day Free Pet Vaccines event at the West End Commons (641 St. Matthews Ave, Winnipeg) on Saturday, September 28th, 2024. The event will run from 10am to 4pm. Core vaccines (DA2PP, FVRCP, rabies) and a physical exam will be offered to cats and dogs at no charge.

We are looking for additional RVT and DVM volunteers for the event. Please bring your own stethoscope, water bottle, snacks, and lab coat if desired. All other equipment will be provided.

If you are interested, please contact Valli at

As of August 15, 2024, the EU has implemented changes to the import requirements and new export certificates for commercial movements (as defined by the EU) of dogs, cats and ferrets to the EU. This includes commercial dogs, cats and ferrets transiting through the EU. All commercial movements of dogs, cats and ferrets certified on or after August 15, 2024 must meet the new conditions and be certified using the new export certificates found on this page.

  • All commercial movements must be dispatched from the establishment of origin, with an associated Registration/Approval number.
  • An option was added for animals to be dispatched from an approved animal shelter. There are currently no approved animal shelters in Canada for exporting dogs, cats or ferrets to the EU.
  • When Echinococcus multilocularis treatment is required, it must be given between 24-48 hours before the time of dispatch of the dog(s) to the EU.
  • Minor changes to wording.


The import requirements and export certificates for non-commercial movements (as defined by the EU) of dogs, cats and ferrets to the EU have not changed.


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As of June 1, 2024, The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba, the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba, and the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba have authorized the following changes related to the M3P Program:

  • The temporary guidance implemented for M3P prescriptions during the pandemic is now permanent.
  • M3P booklets are being phased out.
  • Prescribers are strongly encouraged to use the following templates for M3P prescriptions.

Prescriptions for M3P drugs now must be faxed directly to a pharmacy of the patient’s choice using the following methods:

  • A prescription electronically generated.
  • A handwritten prescription.

The new M3P Prescription Requirements, Electronically Generated M3P Prescription Template, and Handwritten M3P Prescription Template are available in Alinity. Can also be found in Alinity “Groups” –> “Member Information” –> “M3P Requirements & Templates.” If you have any questions about the templates, please email

Unfortunately, pharmacies will no longer accept emails or prescription pads. Vets must fax the prescription, or give it to the client to take to the pharmacy. It’s important to note that if using an electronically generated template, the prescriber must sign the prescription by hand (fill out electronically, print, sign by hand). Additionally, the client must fill the prescription within 3 days.


Clinics without fax machines are encouraged to look into mobile fax apps (HP Smart App, FaxZero, pdfFiller, etc.) to find a system/app where you can fill out a PDF and fax it from your device.


Expand your fracture fixation skills with External Skeletal Fixation!  Join us September 7-8 at the University of Calgary and set yourself up for success with this introductory workshop, designed to equip you with the skills needed to safely and effectively use external fixation in your clinical practice.  The workshop covers the principles and techniques of ESF, including patient selection, equipment and implants, proper application techniques, postoperative care, and how to recognize and manage potential complications. Modern ESF theory and practice are reinforced through laboratory exercises using plastic bones and cadavers.  Visit Movora Education to view the agenda and secure your seat!

September 7-8, 2024

Location: University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Calgary, AB

Level: Introductory, appropriate for general practitioners with little to no ESF experience and veterinary surgeons wanting to refine their orthopedic skillset for treating fractures with ESF.

CE Credits: This program has been AAVSB RACE-Approved for Total of 15.75 CE Credit Hours


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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

©2019 MVMA. All rights reserved.