Members Benefits Survey

To continuously improve our services and offerings, we would greatly appreciate your feedback through this survey. This will help us understand your preferences, needs, and expectations better.

Fill Out Our Members Benefits Survey Here

Animal Health & Welfare CE

Thursday, March 28 @ 7:00 PM

Join Dr. Lisa Joachim from the Animal Health and Welfare Branch as she discusses animal welfare issues in Manitoba and when to contact the animal welfare branch about concerns.

This is a free CE event and attendees will earns 1 CE credit hour.


Goldeyes Game in support of the Canadian Animal Blood Bank

Friday, May 31 @  7:00 PM

Join MVMA members, their families, and staff at the Winnipeg Goldeye’s Game, $5 from each ticket will be donated to the Canadian Animal Blood Bank. Limited tickets available!


Member Engagement: RVT Utilization & Specialization

Wednesday, June 12 @ 7:00 PM


The western Canadian Companion Animal Surveillance Initiative (CASI) was launched 2 years ago.  Small animal practicing veterinarians can report occurrences of specific diseases of interest throughout the year, providing a picture of occurrence over time (

Now it is time to evaluate our efforts to engage the veterinary community in this surveillance initiative. We are looking for interested individuals willing to be interviewed via telephone or virtual platform. Information gathered will be used to update the current initiative format.

While the time commitment is minimal (approximately 30-45 minutes of your time), your insights and feedback will be incredibly valuable.  To learn more or if you are interested in contributing, please contact Shaneice Fletcher-Hildebrand at or Maggie Coupland at This research has been approved by the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Ethics Board.

I have been asked to help out on the Western Canadian Animal Health Network and am gathering info from veterinary teams on their experience with:


1) preg check this year -reports I’ve heard have been brutal with high open rates anywhere from 15-50%!

2) Any manheimia pneumonia in cows or replacement heifers?

3) long shot for MB perhaps relative to AB and SK but any reports on congestive heart failure? Reports in AB of more cases in non-typical animals.

4) Any new and/or notable trends to report for MB?


I’d very much appreciate you sharing with your networks. If folks could give me their update in any format that works they can reach me by:

Phone or text: 1-204-264-0294



Reports will remain anonymous but I can identify the region of MB if the person reporting thinks it’s important information.


I appreciate your help!



Adopted from the ABVMA and CVMA

The Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) is aware of reports of a canine respiratory illness outbreak in several US states starting in August 2023. While there is limited information available on the number of cases and the cause of these illnesses, symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal and eye discharge, and lethargy.

It is important to note that non-specific respiratory illnesses in dogs are common, can occur in clusters, and can have various underlying contagious and non-contagious causes. Veterinarians are well-positioned to provide advice to animal owners and diagnose and treat dogs with respiratory illnesses.

The MVMA is not aware of any canine respiratory outbreaks in Manitoba and will continue to monitor the situation and share confirmed information as it becomes available.

What can pet owners do?

  • Do not panic
  • Limit your dog’s contacts, especially transient contacts with dogs of unknown health status
  • Keep your dog away from sick dogs
  • Talk to your veterinarian about vaccination against canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV) and Bordetella bronchiseptica
  • If your dog is ill and you are concerned, contact your veterinarian

Further information can be found here:

We’re delighted to share that our own MVMA President, Dr. Mackenzie Marks, attended the annual WCVM White Coat Ceremony in Saskatoon on Monday, September 25, 2023. In addition to the students receiving their personalized white lab coats, Dr. Marks presented stethoscopes to the first-year students from Manitoba.

We proudly congratulate the future veterinarians and warmly welcome the Class of 2027 to our profession!

A special thank you to Dr. Chris Bell for providing pictures of the ceremonious event.

The Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association regrets to report the passing of Dr. Jacqueline Enns. The MVMA offers condolences to family, friends, and close colleagues of Dr. Jacqueline Enns. More information can be located here.

The MVMA reminds members of the services offered by Homewood Health.

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) Animal Health Technology/Veterinary Technician Program Accreditation Committee (AHTVTPAC) is conducting a survey to help inform the future education of technicians/technologists in Canada. We are asking for your assistance in completing the survey and in distributing it widely across your network.

You can click here to access the survey. You will have until October 6 to complete the survey.

Hello MVMA Members,

We would like to remind members about the telemedicine program.

On February 4, 2022, the MVMA adopted a new by-law to allow for a VCPR to be established without a hands-on examination of an animal or without visiting the premises where the animal is kept in limited circumstances.

To be clear, the MVMA Telemedicine Permit only applies to Telemedicine files.

Telemedicine files: Patient files where a VCPR is established without a hands-on examination of an animal and/or visiting the premises where the animal is kept. This applies to both new and existing patients where there has not been a hands-on examination of an animal and/or visiting the premises where the animal is kept within the last 12 months.

Please note:

  1. Members must follow the process below in order to establish a VCPR via telemedicine alone. Failure to do so may result in a complaint being filed with the PRC.
  2. This program only covers telemedicine files in Manitoba. If you are providing telemedicine services to animals in another jurisdiction, please contact the regulatory body for the jurisdiction to ensure compliance in the jurisdiction where the animal is located. Regulatory body contact information can be found here.

More information about the program can be found here.

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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

©2019 MVMA. All rights reserved.