
The MVMA is governed by a Council of veterinarians, veterinary technologists, and members of the public who volunteer their time on behalf of the veterinary professions. The Veterinary Medical Act defines the role and function of the MVMA Council as the governing body of the association.

Reporting to Council and providing guidance are a number of committees and representatives who actively explore issues and participate in organizations relevant to the veterinary profession. Council members rely on these committees, as well member feedback, to guide decision making.


Dr. Joe King

Past President/Member at Large

Dr. Esther Hillonov

Vice President/Vice-Chair

Dr. Kerri-Rae Millar


Dr. Gwenda Olson


Dr. Amanda Swirsky


Dr. Navjot Virdi


Dr. Douglas Bazinet


Mel Browning, RVT


Laura Greenhalgh, RVT

Public Member

Dianne Riding


Ad Hoc Wellness Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to create an MVMA program to support members’ mental health and addiction issues.

Ad Hoc PIPS Rewrite Committee

The MVMA Council has identified that the current Practice Inspection Practice Standards By-Law needs to undergo a thorough review to address a number of issues including, readability, new practice types, enforcement issues, and generally to ensure that the standards speak to today’s practice of veterinary medicine. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a report to the MVMA Council that contains a draft Practice Inspection Practice Standards By-Law to replace the existing PIPS By-Law.

Unauthorized Practice Committee

The Committee will be made up of various members that are appointed by the MVMA Council. The Committee protects the public by ensuring that only those that are licensed and/or registered in Manitoba are providing veterinary services.

RVT Scope of Practice, Retention, and Career Advancement Committee

This committee is made up of persons appointed by the MVMA Council and the MVTA Council in partnership. The Committee addresses the veterinary technologist shortage, ensures the full utilization of veterinary technologists, addressed retention issues in the veterinary technologist career span, and acknowledges the competence of veterinary technologists and the vital role they play in the delivery of veterinary medicine.

Ad Hoc Governance Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to review the MVMA’s governance structure and policies.

Ad Hoc Vet Shortage/Retention Committee

The Committee is working toward addressing the shortage of veterinarians in Manitoba, with an emphasis on shortages in rural areas. The committee is currently working on a plan to lobby thegovernment for more resources to address the current shortage.

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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

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