Notice from CancerCare Manitoba Re X-ray

Notice from CancerCare Manitoba Re: X-ray equipment

As per provincial legislation, it is mandatory to submit an application for approval to CancerCare Manitoba before installing and using the X-ray unit since CanerCare Manitoba is responsible for issuing radiation shielding requirements. In addition, all X-ray equipment must be registered with CancerCare Manitoba.


1.0 Responsibility of the Owner of X-ray Equipment


1.1 The owner of the x-ray equipment is responsible for the radiation safety of the facility. The owner can delegate radiation safety tasks but not the responsibility. The owner must ensure that the x-ray equipment and the facility where such equipment is installed and used meet applicable legislation and regulations. In addition, the owner must comply with all recommendations to retain ministerial permission to operate x-ray equipment.


1.2 X-ray Equipment Location and Shielding Specifications


  1. When a new facility is being designed or an existing facility is being renovated, the owner (or representative) must contact Radiation Protection, CCMB to obtain approval for:
    • The location of the x-ray equipment before proceeding with installation and operation.
    • Shielding specifications required for the x-ray room prior to renovation and/or construction.  X-ray facilities must be shielded such that the estimated radiation doses to occupationally exposed staff and the public will be less than 1 mSv per year.


  1. Radiation Protection, CCMB, is responsible for the determination of shielding requirements for a given facility prior to the construction and installation of X-ray imaging equipment.  It is mandatory to contact Radiation Protection, CCMB,  for the following prior to construction and installation of x-ray equipment:


A Barrier Questionnaire form(s) must be obtained from Radiation Protection, CCMB. This form must be completed and returned to Radiation Protection, CCMB. It will require the following:


  1. A floor plan of the facility to include:
  2. Floor plan must be to scale.
  3. Floor plan must have compass direction.
  4. Floor plan must have areas identified beyond the walls, floor, and ceiling of the X-ray room.
  5. Beam direction(s).
  6. Floor plan must have the location of the x-ray equipment including (but not limited to): x-ray table, vertical image holder, travel limits of the x-ray tube, control room, console, remote switches.
  7. Facility name, address, and owner of x-ray equipment.
  8. Type of x-ray equipment to include manufacturer and model name.
  9. Construction information.
  10. Completion of Workload form which is an estimated measure of the radiation output in one week.


  1. Once all the information is obtained, Radiation Protection, CCMB, will calculate the shielding requirements.
    • Shielding is calculated so that radiation doses shall be less than 1 mSv/year for persons occupationally exposed and for members of the public. It is based on the workload and surroundings (occupancy) of the X-ray suite(s).
    • A barrier specification letter will be issued to the owner/facility indicating the required shielding for each wall, door, floor, and ceiling (if applicable).  Please note: Vigilance in adhering to obtaining all the required information will minimize construction and operational delays.
    • Radiation Protection, CCMB, will also maintain records of the floor plan and shielding specifications.


  1. Shielding Inspection:

A Radiation Protection Officer will conduct an on-site shielding inspection to verify the efficacy of barriers post-installation for the specified X-ray room.  Once approved, by Radiation Protection, CCMB, the walls may be covered with the desired finish.




  1. Within 30 days after becoming the owner, you must register all x-ray equipment (new or used) with Radiation Protection, CCMB, before it can be operated as per:


  1. Registration of X-ray Equipment form(s) is available from Radiation Protection, CCMB, by emailing:


  1. Once processed, a copy of the completed form will be returned to the owner, along with a CCMB Radiation Protection X-ray Equipment Registration No. label to be prominently posted on the corresponding X-ray unit so that it can be readily identified.  It is important to note, registration relates only to the x-ray equipment and does not indicate approval of a location for its installation or operation or approval of any person to operate it.


  1. Registration will remain valid until any of the following occur, at which time a new registration request must be submitted:
  • There is a change in ownership of the equipment, or
  • The equipment is relocated, or
  • The x-ray generator is replaced, or
  • The entire x-ray system is replaced, or
  • The x-ray equipment is decommissioned and removed.




  1. In Manitoba, the owner of x-ray equipment must ensure all operators of x-ray equipment and other personnel who routinely participate in radiological procedures (who are likely to receive a radiation dose in excess of 1/20th of the dose limit to radiation workers) wear a personal radiation dosimeter.  For information on dose limits for radiation workers, see

Health Canada Safety Code 35


  1. Personal radiation monitoring must be established with National Dosimetry Services, Health Canada.  For further information and/or to apply for dosimetry services: National Dosimetry Services


  1. Not all classifications of workers will be issued with dosimeters.  Only those staff that have the potential to receive a radiation dose greater than 1 mSv per year.  Contact Radiation Protection, CCMB, for further information.


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