About Membership Information


How to Apply

To apply for MVMA membership as a veterinarian you must:

  • Complete and submit the Registration Application Form
  • Submit all accompanying documents that may include:
    • A copy of your Diploma
    • A copy of your Government-issued photo identification (passport, driver’s license)
    • Proof of entitlement to work in Canada (Canadian Passport/Canadian Citizenship Card/Canadian Permanent Resident Card/Canadian Birth Certificate/Canadian Work Permit)
    • If applicable, Letter(s) of Standing sent directly from the issuing jurisdiction(s)
    • If applicable, a copy of your Diplomate credentials
  • Pay your membership dues upon receipt of invoice

It typically takes the MVMA two weeks to process a membership application.

Eligibility for Registration and Licensure

Labour Mobility Applicant

  • Route 1- Labour Mobility (CFTA)
Route 1- Labour Mobility (CFTA)

Applicants with a Certification of Qualification from the National Examining Board (NEB)

  • Route 2- Certificate of Qualification
Route 2- Certificate of Qualification

Applicants without a Certification of Qualification

  • Pathways
  • Route 3- NEB Examination Route
  • Route 4- Limited Licence- Board Certification
  • Route 5- Limited Licence- Residency
  • Route 6- Limited Licence- Internship
  • Route 7- Limited Licence- CVMA/AVMA Accredited Program Graduate without Certification of Qualification
Route 3- NEB Examination Route
Route 4- Limited Licence- Board Certification
Route 5- Limited Licence- Residency
Route 6- Limited Licence- Internship
Route 7- Limited Licence- CVMA/AVMA Accredited Program Graduate without Certification of Qualification

Resources and Considerations

  • Member Lookup
  • Examination Information
  • Experience for the CPE
  • Peer Contacts
  • Supervision Report
Member Lookup
Examination Information
Experience for the CPE
Peer Contacts
Supervision Report

Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities in Manitoba

Various organizations in Manitoba provide support to graduates of unaccredited programs as they pursue obtaining licensure in Manitoba.

Manitoba Careers for Internationally Educated Professionals Program

This program supports internationally educated professionals (IEPs) towards their goal of working in their professional fields in Manitoba. It provides non-repayable financial assistance to help IEPs with assessment and training costs while pursuing registration. To be eligible, individuals must have started the registration process with a Manitoba regulator, and be motivated and able to complete the process in a timely, efficient and continuous manner. For more information and to apply, visit their website.

Recognition Counts

This program provides supports to skilled immigrants wishing to work in their field of expertise or an alternative career in Manitoba. The program offers financial counselling, as well as the opportunity to apply for a loan of up to $30,000 with Assiniboine Credit Union to help with the cost of having qualifications recognized in Manitoba and obtaining related employment. To learn more, visit their website.

Manitoba Student Aid

This is a supplemental financial assistance program for Manitobans who do not have enough resources to pay for post-secondary education (university or college) on their own. This program provides various types of funding through the Manitoba Student Aid Program and the Canada Student Loans and Grants Programs. Funding includes repayable government student loans and non-repayable grants and/or bursaries. For more information, visit their website.

Windmill Microlending

Windmill Microlending is Canada’s only national charity providing affordable loans to help skilled immigrants and refugees leverage their talents and contribute to the Canadian workforce. Our work brings together invaluable resources, generous donors and talented newcomers to reduce poverty, inequity, and labour shortages in Canada. For more information, visit their website.

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Mission: To protect the public through the regulation of veterinary medicine, to support our members and to promote the profession in Manitoba.

Vision: A sustainable veterinary community working together to prioritize the health and welfare of animals, people and the environment.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement: The MVMA is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion across gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, neurodiversity, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and marital status. The MVMA membership is multicultural and we value multiple approaches and different points of view in a safe, positive and collaborative environment.


Become an MVMA Member – Learn about the requirements to become a licensed veterinarian or registered veterinary technologist.

Veterinary Medicine – Find out how veterinary medicine impacts the lives of animals.

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